PEONIES, my love

“Peonies are beautiful perennials. A classic, really. Every garden should have them. They’re dependable, have a timeless, elegant beauty and will bloom with very little attention.” — Christine Feehan (American author of paranormal romance, paranormal military thrillers, and fantasy.)

Which is your favourite flower? Mine is the peony. When writing about Enisala, I remembered the flowering season lasts for about 14 days in April and May and I wanted you to enjoy the beautiful pictures of these splendid flowers. Who knows, one day this exquisite flower, the flower of honour, love and understanding, might become our national flower.

Read more: Enisala, mostenirea genoveza din Dobrogea

There are several nature reserves you should visit at least once in your life. The wild peony protected areas in Romania lie in Transylvania, Dobrogea or Oltenia. If you plan a trip to Enisala, you should do it in May when the peonies are in full bloom in the natural reserve “Dealul Bujorului”. You’ll hit two rabbits with one shot: visit the fortress and discover the paradise of flowers. It’s absolutely magic.

Stunning peony shows can be admired in spring in several regions in Romania: Măcin and Babadag, Tulcea; Troianul, Teleorman; Comana, Giurgiu; Zau de Câmpie, Mureş; Pleniţa, Dolj or Stoicăneşti, Olt.

Is an idea beginning to develop, wherever you go, don’t forget these “Rules for visiting a Reservation“:

  1. If you want to avoid the crowd, plan your trip on a weekday.
  2. Don’t vandalise the field. Many workers and volunteers put a lot of work into maintaining it. So, don’t pick flowers, take only pictures. Don’t leave garbage behind, leave only footprints. And … don’t step off the path.

The elegant, delicate peonies will freshen your day. Go for it!

Unfortunately, we can celebrate the beauty of these flowers only for a fortnight in April or May. Don’t miss the chance!

Photo credit:

  1. Bujorul românesc din Dobrogea – specie protejată prin lege (Sursa Facebook Dragoş Asaftei)
  2. Wild red peonies

More photos, and more information for you:

  • peonies, bujori
  • peonies, bujori

Since 2015 when the idea to recognize the peony as Romania’s national flower was first put forward, many years have passed. Finally, this elegant symbol of the heroes’ blood officially became the National Flower of Romania in 2022.

There couldn’t have been a better choice. No other flower describes the Romanian people like the peony. We love nature and beauty, history and folklore, and we admire and celebrate heroism.

Nobody can deny that the peony has been one of the most attractive and rewarding flowers since the 19th century when they were introduced in the Romanian gardens, and recently in Romanian folklore, literature and legends.

The name “Bujor” (Peony) is often used in Romania as family and first names, names of towns, streets and villages. Statistics show that over 100,000 people bear this name.

“It always seemed to me that the herbaceous peony is the very epitome of June. Larger than any rose, it has something of the cabbage rose’s voluminous quality; and when it finally drops from the vase, it sheds it petticoats with a bump on the table, all in an intact heap, much as a rose will suddenly fall, making us look up from our book or conversation, to notice for one moment the death of what had still appeared to be a living beauty.” (Vita Sackville-West)

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