MADE IN ROMANIA (5) – Romanian wines

Romanian Wines – In Vino Veritas

That in wine lies the truth is something many people accept, but Romanian people don’t need to be under the influence of alcohool to speak their hidden thoughts or wishes. We are very talkative anyway and we also appreciate a good glass of wine.

By divine grace, we’ve been favoured with abundant sources of wealth and prosperity, and the highly praised wines are among Romania’s main riches.

Romanian wines

Legends say that Dionysos, the god of wine, was born in Thracia or Dacia as the Romans called the present territory of Romania. The Dacian king Burebista (1st century BC), ordered the destruction of all vineyards as they seemed to have been an attraction to the migratory peoples. Probably, that is not true. After having conquered Dacia Felix (Happy Dacia), the Romans still mentioned the tradition of offering grapes to all guests. Happy (Dacia) was probably a reference to the abundant deposits of gold and other other riches, wines included, in the territory.

Anyway, there’s evidence that Homer wrote about the vineyards in Dacia. The Roman poet Ovid also mentioned the wines he discovered in Tomis (Constanta), Dobrogea.

Now, we have more than 250 wine cellars and Romania ranks 13th in the world regarding the production of exceptional, premium wine.

Whether you believe it or not, there’s one thing you should do: register for a visit to a winery to enjoy a vineyard tour, wine testing, grapes picking, appetizing food and music concerts. If you’re interested, you can find out more here:

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