ÎN RITMUL LEAGĂNULUI – viața în stil princiar

Faima castelului Cantacuzino aflat la poalele muntelui Zamora, in cartierul cu acelasi nume a supravietuit. Proiectata in stil neoromanesc, constructia a fost inceputa in 1901 si finalizata 10 ani mai tarziu. Cu o padure de brazi in spate, cu statiunea Busteni la picioare si cu o vedere splendita spre Valea Prahovei si Caraiman, “rivalul” Castelului Peles e mai putin cunoscut

PEONIES, my love

There are several nature reserves you should visit at least once in your life. The wild peony protected areas in Romania lie in Transylvania, Dobrogea or Oltenia. If you plan a trip to Enisala, you should do it on May when the peonies are in full boom in the natural reserve “Dealul Bujorului”. You’ll hit two rabbits with one shot: visit the fortress and discover the paradise of flowers. It’s absolutely magic.

BĂILE HERCULANE – glorie şi decădere

Herculane Baths and spa was first documented in 153 AD. The name Ad Aquas Herculi was given by the Romans and means the holy waters of Hercules. The oldest resort in Romania, famous for its sulphuric springs, was considered “the most beautiful resort on the continent” by the Austro – Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph.

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